Saturday, January 10, 2015

Sound Man And Sound Woman

Basic tips, knowledge, theory, which is used for the Operator Sound System

Previously I say thank you for visiting this blog. This time I am writing various tips, knowledge, and theory, which is used for the Operator Sound System (Soundman and SoundWoman). Based on the experience of colleagues Soundman / Woman at home and abroad, and also of the lessons I learned in school Sound System School in Indonesia. In order to improve the ability and motivation to learn for colleagues These Sound as both beginners and professionals.

Soundman different from the Sound Engineer.

As we have seen, different Soundman with Sound Engineer. Differences between the two are as different racers and car makers. Racers are Soundman, maker / designer car is Sound-Engineer.

Soundman need two main skills: mastering tools correctly and critical ear (Golden Ear). Audio theory needed to be able to master the tool correctly. Golden Ear can be obtained by studying or practicing special. With both of these two skills, then Soundman / Woman could make the event a success.

Leraning specifically for Sound Engineer

For colleagues who want to be Soundman with both the above skills, can follow a certified training in Sound System School. Until now, only these institutions are willing to teach the Golden Ear. Because Golden Ear is the secret science of the senior who was a senior Soundman. There have been many Soundman in training them and all recognized the usefulness of this training in the workplace. Their cost is very affordable and complete lessons for Live Sound. His learning method is easy to understand, with the practice of using analog and digital instruments as well.

When colleagues interested in becoming a Sound Engineer, it must learn specifically for Sound Engineer requires precision calculations and in-depth research in the design of the software products both sound system, acoustic recording studios, sound equipment, etc., in order to produce quality sound. Electro Voice sound system, JBL, Meyer, Bose, RCF, etc. are products of the research team successfully Sound engineernya.

Sound Engineer responsible for designing audio systems are good quality and appropriate. This task requires a good education. Colleagues who wanted to take a sound engineer school can study at the Institute of Education Institutions associated with sound engineering such as the David Klein (, Yamaha Sound Engineering (, Universitas Pelita Harapan (music.uph, Institut Musik Indonesia (, SSR ( or SAE ( for full info web search online teaching Institutions Sound System Based on international standards.

For those who want to explore software-based recording like Nuendo, StudioOne, Sonar, Cubase, Protools, etc,  can be studied in MusikTek (, or directly with Mas Agus Hardiman, Dolphin ( led by Mr. Rudi, LPLK Tristar (digital-music-production-course.blogspot. com), or can be learned for free on various websites created experts like Andrian Roult, etc.

Soundman PRO License Certificate

Above all, you must be up-to-date information by reading magazines audiosyastem device AUDIO. And do not forget, that recognized the public, you need a license certificate Soundman PRO. This license card is proof that you are a professional Soundman truly worthy to serve the community. Soundman PRO license certificate obtained through oral and practical exams are supervised audio experts.

Thank you once again. Let's share and learn together!

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